HASH NAME | Short Name |
Reason For Name |
4pac | I wore a Kangaroo outfit to the Easter hash (it should have been an Easter Bunny outfit, but Amazon let me down!) After the Hash, MotorX suggested that I use the pouch for sandwiches. I commented that it would be better suited for a 4 pack of beer.. and my name 4pac was born! | |
Agatha | His surname is Christie… A mystery indeed. | |
Angaze | When registering for an African Hash Run, I was asked what my Hash name was. I answered, " I don't know" whereupon Angaze was registered, as it is Zulu for,' I don't know '. | |
Aqua | Not known. | |
AWOL | A while ago he was skiing with some Hash friends and met a 'sweet' lady at the bar early in the week. Apparently, his ski group didn't see him for the rest of their time there. He'd gone… AWOL. | |
Plod | She offered her slightly small shoes to Dunny, runs fast and she is associated with the police. Thus, Plod, is an ideal name. | |
Big and Bouncy | She's a slight and delicate lady. | |
Big Girl's Blouse | BGB | He can't remember the reason for his name but no doubt you have your thoughts… |
BillyBullshit | Essentially, he's full of it. Just ask him any question. | |
Blind Pugh | He has struggled to see flour during Hashes. | |
BlowHarder | Not known. | |
Blowjob | Hairdressing work had quite a lot to do with this naming. | |
Bomber | His surname is Lancaster. | |
C5 | I'm called C5 because my name is Sinclair and Sir Clive of that name invented the C5 car way back when. | |
CabinBuoy | As I'm a keen sailor and my name is Roger, so named after the character 'Roger the Cabin Boy' from the cartoon series Captain Pugwash. | |
Caboose | For being a railwayman and very keen on all things to do with railways. | |
CanalBobb | I cycled into the canal under The Cunning Man bridge… | |
Cerberus | Hashgate named her some years ago when, during a Hash, she seemed to be guarding a farm gate with at least two Red Setters. | |
ChocolateChucker | ChocChuck | Hot chocolate doesn't mix well with hashing! |
Chris | No Hash name yet. | |
Cockup | He advised RA Motox that he didn't make cockups. Thus he was named. | |
CouchPotato | Couch | I am named Couch Potato for giving multiple other exercising commitments as a reason for missing some Hashes. |
Crusty | I was given the name because one day last year I did admit to sometimes cutting the crusts off from a sandwich and throwing them . RA Motox was appalled at such waste. | |
DeepLunge | Not known. | |
Desperate | After a Hash some years ago she was spotted apparently chatting up an embarrassed young barman. | |
Dipstick | Let's just say he lives up to his name… | |
DoggyStyle | She always brings her dog, Roux, with her. | |
Donut | At the ‘On Out’ on a very rainy hash, I (with Dutch) decided to go to the local Waitrose for coffee instead, returning after the run with doughnuts for the soggy Hashers - hence the name. | |
DoorMatt | I think it has something to do with me regularly having to do my wife's shoe laces up for her, usually when caked in shiggy or worse. | |
Dorothy | Because I turned up to my 4th Hash in my brand new bright red running shoes! | |
Dr. Pooh | I was going to have another name. For the naming ceremony, I came prepared with an old tee shirt on underneath. It had a picture of Pooh bear in Dr Who's tardis, entitled Dr Pooh. On taking off my top exposing this, before being floured, the ceremony was emergency stopped as Dr Pooh would be a better Hash name. | |
Dumb | See Dumber's naming information. | |
Dumber | Approx 35 years ago we started Hashing and Bashing, cycling to and round them on our tandem. Twin names for us were favoured and when Dumb and Dumber was released we were named. We spent years arguing between us about who was Dumber. It was finally settled on a bike ride near Rye. We cycled along Dumb Woman's Lane. So that made me the Dumb Woman and as always suspected, Ian is Dumber. | |
DunnyStumbler | Dunny | My name, Lu, which is Dunny in Australia and a twig grabbed my legging, causing me to fall. |
FalseTart | She kept starting early when being awarded Down Downs so was named for her false (s)tarts. | |
Floater | During the first ever Trail he laid it was very wet underfoot so he told RA Motox he might need armbands. Hence, Floater. | |
Florence | Flo | Received my name for my nursing abilities…oh no - it’s because I’m Zebedee’s friend from the Magic (tragic) Roundabout. When he was renamed so was I. |
Foghorn | His "On On" booming calls are legendary. | |
Foxy | Because I wore a fox onesie to Hashgate's 2023 birthday Hash instead of a silly hat. | |
Freyja | No Hash name yet. | |
Gannet | It was noticed that he scoffs food at just about every opportunity. | |
Glittertits | GT | Named because I was seen swapping tops with a girl from Essex. Hers was pink and sparkly. |
Gnasher | Named because I worked for a dentist. | |
Gromit | Not known. | |
Hamlet | A penchant for a certain brand of cigars got him named. | |
Happy Feet | Not known. | |
Hashgate | Originally named 'Mr President' by Wally because Clinton's hair was similar to mine, he renamed me as Hashgate because Hashers found it too vocally complicated to say 'Mr President'. Now I'm BH3's Honorary President, perhaps I should revert. :-) | |
Hashtray | He's happy to light up and inhale on any occasion. | |
Helmet | When skiing with the Hash his ski helmet rubbed his head and he got a sore spot. | |
Honeymonster | Not known. | |
Hooker | She plays rugby. Not the other reason. | |
Horny | Because I always have to use a shoehorn. | |
Iceman | I went base over apex on a sheet of ice in front of the whole pack. | |
Itsyor | My surname is "Round", so - Itsyor Round was perhaps a backhanded suggestion that I'm less than forthcoming at the bar (pah!). | |
Jack | No Hash name yet. | |
Jacqui | No Hash name yet. | |
James | No Hash name yet. | |
JJ | Hashing in Indonesia in late 70s early 80s I was also a rugby player and Welsh and played on the wing - and I have curly hair. If you can't work it out you are either not a rugby supporter or not old enough! | |
Judas | He acted and sang this character in 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat'. | |
Kate | No Hash name yet. | |
Kate | No Hash name yet. | |
Legova | She struggled to get her leg over a fallen tree. | |
LemonySnicket | Lemony | The RA struggled with my real name and used to call me Lemony and the film Lemony Snicket - a Series of Unfortunate Events had just been released. |
Lilo | Then RA Glittertits re-named me (I used to be Miranda from my AmDram days). He got fed up with me falling over on my back near to him during the Hash. | |
LittleStiffy | Not known. Though she used to run with Didcot H3 who have a Big Stiffy! | |
Lonely | At a BH3 re-group before a water crossing in Wiltshire, I wandered off by myself to consider better crossing points. | |
Loud & Tasteless | Named by Hashgate some years ago for wearing outrageously colourful, new running shoes. | |
Lucy | No Hash name yet. | |
Lungs | We were running up a big hill in the woods. I got to the top and told Simple I needed a new set of lungs - hence my Hashname. | |
Mad Moose | Named after the famus racehorse who either refused to race or won spectacularly. | |
Mark | No Hash name yet. | |
Messenger Boy | I Set a trail past Melinda Messenger’s house and apparently I made a big fuss about her upper anatomy. | |
Mona Lisa | She allegedly moaned a lot on Trails. | |
Monty Pylon | A clever construct from her dog’s name (Monty) and her earlier penchant for discussing electricity pylons with Cloggs. Ms Whiplash and Motox | |
Motox | He said, "If anyone would like to know, just ask me." | |
Mr. Blobby | Mr B | Apparently, on my first Hash as Hare, some people thought my blobs of flour were too small. |
Mrs. Blobby | Mrs B | My husband is Mr. Blobby, so named by default! |
Ms Whiplash | Named by Motox some years ago. Reason unclear but a postcard in a telephone box and Motox' fervid imagination have something to do with it. | |
NappyRash | Named by RA Simple during a rainy Red Dress Run because he was moaning about the chafing by his wet dress. | |
Nearly Twice | I was at a moonlight at Shandymans, and FannyBag said to me, 'You've laid a Hash nearly twice'. C5 said 'That would make a great Hash name'... So here I am: 'Nearly Twice'. | |
No Style | I manage to dislodge a removable plank that allowed passage for dogs, from a stile while climbing over it. I'd been a member without a name for a couple of years and RA Shitfor was desperate to name me! | |
NonStick | Advised to take a stick to beat down nettles, NonStick duly did so. After 3 miles and no nettles he threw it away. 200 Yards on and he was in the thick of a patch of them. He was named NonStick because he didn't have one when he needed it. | |
NoSole | The reason for my name is very simple. I forgot my shoes for the Hash. | |
Nutcracker | Not known. | |
OldFart | The GM at the time thought it best reflected my sparkling personality! | |
OnDuty | I am a large animal Veterinary Surgeon and missed loads of runs and social events due to be on 24 hour call. Simple really. | |
Pantaloon | Not known. | |
Penelope Pitstop | When we lived in Yemen I used to drive a VW Beetle. They gave me the name after Penelope Pitstop from Wacky Races. | |
Phantom | His visits to the Hash are rare and shadowy. | |
Pimp | I innocently tried to introduce a new (female) friend to the Hash each week. | |
Piss 'n' Chips | Not known. | |
Pissquick | PQ | Named because she is always nipping off for a quick whizzer. |
Posh Tart | Posh | My mother Hash is West London where I used to be referred to by some of the regulars as the posh tart - and the name just stuck! |
Potty | Apparently, the chamber pot that goes under the bed is called a Gerry (my first name). | |
Pretty in Pink | Not known. | |
Pyro | Not known. | |
Rampant Rabbit | Rampant | During a Hash at a regroup we were chatting . I foolishly said I would be ‘up for anything’. Someone alleged that I was rampant and this then got enhanced to Rampant Rabbit (which apparently is something else). |
Randy Mandy | Cause it rhymes. | |
Rob Roy | Not known. | |
Shifty | I was working shifts and swapped my late shift so I could make the next Hash. | |
Shitfor | He and Desperate were marshalling at the Shinfield 10k. He said he would kiss all Hashers who passed him during the race and duly did. The Hash consensus later was that he'd have to have sh*t for brains to want to do it. | |
Skinny Dipper | Skinny or Dipper | I was given my name on Lonely’s 60th birthday Hash from his house by the river. It was very hot and I mentioned how lovely it would be to go skinnydipping in the Thames. I did eventually live up to my name on a Hooray Henley Hash. |
SlackBladder | My Hash name Slackbladder originated from my FOTMHHH ( Friends of the Mole) name Blackadder. While competing in the Para 10 mile challenge, I had to visit the bushes for a leak. This was witnessed by a number of fellow FOTM HHH runners and the name has stuck for over 30 years! | |
Slapper | At the end of the 2010 Red Dress Run, I enquired (rather too enthusiastically) if it was ok to wear my lovely Red Dress to the pub afterwards. Hashgate suggested the name. | |
Sleazy | Originally 'Sneezy' because she was, Sleazy was felt to be a much better Hash name. | |
SlipperyNipples | Slips | Not Known. |
Slowsucker | Lollipops were handed out at the start of a hash. I could not run and suck, so got back to the pub with a complete lolly. Motor announced that I must be a Slowsucker. | |
Snowballs | Snowy | My naming ceremony was at The Pack Saddle at Mapledurham. It was conducted by Glittertits, and as I was about to be anointed as No Balls, a reference to my golfing prowess, I leant forward ready for the deluge of flour and beer and someone who shall remain nameless (Simple) shouted, "Call him Snowballs!". An uncalled for reference to my silver hair. |
SonicTheHedgehog | Sonic | This was YogaJulie, who was named officially for telling people she had a number of hedgehogs in her garden. |
SpecialBranch | SpecialBranch | While running, he let a thin tree branch whip back at the following Slapper. Additionally, he's often seen with Plod. |
Spex | Running over near Newbury (many years ago), a group of runners from Newbury Athletic/Running club joined us. I remarked that it was nice to see all these 'athletic young men on the hash'. I became Spex on the basis that if I thought they were young I should be wearing glasses! | |
Spot | 1989 and Spot was a member of The Allergy Society. BH3 raised £742 for it via a Reading pub run, dressed as mothers and babies. Spot was a marshal at one of the pubs. He went to his first Hash at The Bull at Rizeley to say thanks and was named, appropriately for a member of The Allergy Society, as Spot. | |
Squeaky | She has never done anything wrong or silly. She's 'Squeaky' clean. | |
StinkingBishop | Not known. | |
Stuart | No Hash name yet. | |
Swallow | Having declined Hashgate's (always) kind offer of assistance over a stream, I successfully crossed it, scampered up the opposite bank and then tripped and fell into a puddle. Some say it was a swallow dive. | |
Sweetpee | I was named this as I finished a walk in my early Hashing days. I needed the loo but they were locked, so sneaked behind the car and had a pee. | |
TarmacCuddler | TC | There was a time when TC hurled herself enthusiastically on to road surfaces. |
TinOpener | Not known. | |
Toppleova | Not known. | |
TreeTrollop | TreeT | She's heavily into 'forest bathing'. |
Trout | When he Hashed abroad it was noticed that his first name and second name sound very similar to the Farsi word for 'trout'. Hence his name. | |
TT2 | Zebedee and I were called TT1 and TT2, with Florence as TT3. Wally thought of our Hash Names, via 2 incompetent detectives named Thomson & Thompson, from Herge's, “The Adventures of Tintin”. | |
Twanky | I crew backstage at Amateur Dramatic societies, so naturally whoever named me thought it was only fitting to give me a Panto "name". | |
Utopia | Not known. | |
Valhalla | Valhalla is apparently where the bravest of the slain Norse warriors enter after death, as a reward for their labours. I believe when 69er christened me it was because, on the first trail I laid, I managed to make it far too long. | |
WattsBrewing | Not known. | |
WaveRider | She was a total aquatic star during the coasteering event in rough seas when on a Hash holiday. | |
WellLaid | Her very first Haring resulted in a Trail 'well laid'. | |
WetWipe | Sometimes I carry a flannel tucked into my shorts in case I get sweaty. | |
WhoTheF*ckIsAlice | Alice | He was going to be called White Rabbit since he's always late. As there is a RampantRabbit already, Alice was suggested. No surprise that BH3 gleefully extended this. |
Wimpey | He ran his first few Hashes in steel toe-capped working boots. | |
YogaJulie | No Hash name yet. | |
Zebedee | Zeb | Lilo chose my name as she witnessed my 'unique' style of dancing and related it to Zebedee's springing from the children's programme, 'The Magic Roundabout'. |